Music Newsletter – September 2021

There was a man, a young man who loved music. He could play the guitar and sing. He liked popular music and sought groups to play with. With practice and experience he got pretty good. A popular boy band was in need of a guitar player when one of their own dropped out. He filled in wonderfully.

The young man met a girl and fell in love. He had goals about playing music but he also wanted a family of his own. The band with its demands of travel and music did not mesh will with his desire to marry the girl he loved, so he channeled his music into other arenas that would allow him to be home. In time, children blessed their union and family.

The gospel of Jesus Christ in its fullness arrived in Donnie’s life and he joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints along with his wife Brenda. Becoming a disciple of Christ led him to help at a camp for young women that his daughter attended. It was there he heard the song “I Am A Child of God” for the first time. Until that point in his life, he had never really contemplated that he was a literal child of God. It was a strong lesson taught by the spirit. He bore testimony of that truth often the rest of his life.

Donnie Seay loved serving others, making lots of music along the way. Generously, he shared his own music, playing for assisted living residences, veterans groups, and and many others including our own stake . He made the Dahlonega Ward his church family for many years. After his passing in 2020, the song, “I Am a Child of God” continued to comfort and bless his family.

Find out more: Donnie’s Obituary. Read more about “The Sparkletones”.



Primary Music Leader

”Primary songs are a powerful tool to help children learn about Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness and the foundational truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. As children sing…, the Holy Ghost will testify of their truthfulness. The worlds and music will stay in the children’s minds and hearts throughout their lives.’

“Seek the help of the Spirit as you prepare to teach the gospel through music.”

Some helpful ideas:

  • Invite children to share what they learn of Heavenly Father and Jesus in the songs you sing.
  • Read scriptures related to the songs you are teaching.
  • Testify to them of the truths found in the song.
  • Use pictures.
  • Write the verse on the board but leave out several key words. Filling in those words can open a discussion about that principle or doctrine.
  • Invite them to share personal experiences.
  • Use other variations for repetition–echo; humming, clapping, varying the tempo; sing while standing; sing in groups–by class or gender; use actions to remember phrases; and other variations that maintain reverence and the truths of the song.



“Singing For Jesus” article by Dallin Oaks from the Sept. 2021 Friend. Insight as to why we sing and the benefits. All ages should read this. Comes with a coloring page.

“I Stand All Amazed” arr. by Bagley. Free Sheet Music. This song would be good as a solo, duet, or 2 part choir. Audio and many other songs on

Watch ‘Good Day’ – Official Music Video for upcoming album “Strong”.



Sept 17 Churchwide Music Festival. 8PM EST Click here for how to watch. A prerecorded concert featuring 20 music submissions and short gospel messages from children. Individuals and families are encouraged to invite their Latter-day Saint friends and friends of other faiths to watch.

A GIANT ‘THANK YOU” to all who practiced and prepared for the Stake Music Festival that was postponed. We look forward to gathering for one in 2022! Please keep your songs up and your instruments tuned. Also, we’ll be adding more numbers to it!

Music Training for Wards – Ongoing all year. Contact Sister Ginger Dean or Sister Kay Bohn at You can also text, or call to schedule.

•POSTPONED Sacred Music Fireside “Our Grateful Song” on Sunday, September 19th is POSTPONED

Stake Choir Practice  is tentative. The scheduled practices are Oct and 24 Oct, 6:30 – 8PM Stake Center. All invited to participate in preparation for singing at stake conference 7 November.  STAY TUNED FOR DEVELOPMENTS NEXT MONTH.

•Organ Workshop November 6, Stake Conference weekend. Time TBA. 

•Christmas Candlelight Sing Along 5 Dec 6-&:30. SAVE THE DATE!



Now Let Us Rejoice #3

The lyric to this hymn is as timely today as it was when it was sung at the Kirkland Temple dedication . . . ” In faith we’ll rely on the arm of Jehovah to guide thru these last days of trouble and gloom”. William Phelps wrote the song after a disturbing period of persecution and threat to the saints while in Missouri as described below.

On the verge of being molested and murdered on the banks of the Missouri river the night of Nov 12th,1833 the saints and their persecutors witnessed a great meteor shower. Between 1000 to 200,000 meteors fell per hour. This distracted the mob from harming the saints and they thought it a miracle from God. Perhaps this experience prompted William Phelps to write the phrase, “none will molest them . . . “

Leonid Meteor Shower of 1833 Wood Cut
Leonid Meteor Shower of 1833 Wood Cut

Not knowing the plight of the members that night, Joseph Smith was awakened to witness the heavenly drama and said of the meteor shower,  “I arose, and to my great joy, beheld the stars fall from heaven like a shower of hailstones. . . ” It was a fulfillment of prophecy that he had forty days earlier.

It was a meteor storm of epic proportion. Notable figures such as Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas wrote about the shower. People all over North America saw the event. It was tagged ‘the night the stars fell to earth’ by newspaper writers. “The Great Leonids Meteor Storm of 1833 . . .was unusually prolific and became one of the most spectacular astronomical sights ever seen in the modern era, with many people believing that the world was coming to an end” writes Peter Christoforow for ‘Astronomy Trek’.

Next time you sing “Now Let Us Rejoice”, remember the great faith, trials, and joys of those faithful saints that came before us then imagine looking at the sky with thousands of meteors falling like a snow storm.

Read More: “The Story Behind the Hymn” by Larry Barkdull, “Why We Should Witness . . . ” by Ronald Millett, “Meteor Shower of 1833” Joseph Smith Foundation
